The Federation Track Capitol is a 199 kilometre spur track that connects Old Parliament House in Canberra to the junction of Federation Track South and the Alpine Track at Mt Jagungal in Kosciuszko National Park.


The scenery varies from views of the new Parliament House on the hill behind the Old Parliament House to the magnificent ridges and ranges of the Australian Alps; from old cattlemen’s huts to the golden curve of the National Museum across Lake Burley Griffin; from the soaring tower on Black Mountain to the frost hollows of Cooleman Plains; from the mountain streams of the Alps to the meanderings of the Murrumbidgee past Canberra’s western suburbs ; from the brooding splendour of Mt Jagungal to the wide spaces of Long Plain.


This route has been proof-walked and way-pointed. The Federation Track Capitol runs through the parklans of Canberra to join the Australian Alps Walking Track at Namadgi National Park Information Centre. It follows this marked track to the junction of the Grey Mare Firetrail and the Round Mountain Firetrail below Mt Jagungal in Kosciuszko National Park.