From To Distance Ascent Descent
Yass Fitzpatrick Trackhead, Wee Jasper 59 923 1033
Fitzpatrick Trackhead Snowy Mountains Highway 74 2362 2422
Snowy Mountains Highway  Talbingo 61  290 220
Total 194 km


The Federation Track follows the Hume & Hovell Track from Yass to Talbingo through some outstanding scenery. From Yass to Burrinjuck Waters State Park it runs along back country roads through pastoral splendour and the boat ride across Lake Burrinjuck and up the Goodradigbee River provides a stunning contrast, especially when the dam is full after winter rains. Depending on the level of the dam, you may disembark anywhere between “Cooradigbee” homestead and Careys Cave and as you walk into Wee Jasper limestone “Dragon Backs” appear.


From Fitzpatrick Trackhead the track winds up the slopes of Mt Wee Jasper for some dramatic views of Burrinjuck Dam to the west while, to the east, the Fiery Ranges rear their heads on the distant horizon. The track then winds its way along forestry roads and footpads to follow the cascades and pools of Micalong Creek through cool sub-alpine forests.


After a series of enchanting vistas the track reaches Micalong Swamp – a large montane swamp protected from logging. Whilst not as spectacular as the Micalong Cascades, it has a beauty all its own, especially when the early morning mist rises to shroud trees and shrubs in a pearly-gray overcoat. The track next sweeps past Mt. Nebo down to the Goobarragandra River past a succession of panoramas of the valley and the surrounding Bogong Range to wander along the fertile banks of the river. A long, gradual climb takes you across the foothills of the Bogong Range past abandoned sawmills, huts and water-races to Fox Pass – a broad saddle – before running down through cultivated fields to the Snowy Mountains Highway.


The track soon leaves the busy highway to follow byways and back roads to Blowering Dam. If you are fortunate enough to visit when the dam is overflowing, the sound and sight of the overflow is unforgettable! From the dam the track contours along the western bank of Lake Blowering and in late winter and early spring when the dam is full this is a wonderful walk with excellent lake views. On a misty morning the pine clad ridges and still waters are very reminiscent of Scotland. At the southern end of the lake, the Federation Track detours from the Hume & Hovell Track to ramble along the shady lake edge to Jounama Dam – the first indicator of the massive Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. Once across the dam it is a few short kilometres alongside Jounama Pondage to the delightful village of Talbingo.